Nyc gay pride parade nude

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72.Įmmy-winning television personality and fashion guru Carson Kressley serves as host for Queer-E-Okee. Pride at TD Ballpark: It’s Pride at the Ballpark night, and kids run the bases when the Blue Jays face Lakeland. Official Pride Bar Crawl: Join Top Shelf Crawls to celebrate Pride with food and drink specials at each location, no cover for crawlers, photos and souvenirs.

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Staging area, New York and Virginia avenues, Dunedin. 72.ĭunedin Pride Golf Cart Parade: Join the Dunedin Chamber of Commerce for a colorful cart parade from Mease to the Blue Jays’ stadium for live music, food, drinks and a baseball game.

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Highland Recreation Complex and Family Aquatic Center, 400 Highland Ave. Pride Splash Party: Show support for the LGBTQ+ community at this pool party with DJ dancing, the Play Express mobile recreation trailer, food, games and contests. Go to /pride and use promo code PRIDE4 to buy tickets. Hats must be picked up at the redemption center between Gate 3 and the 1st Base Food Hall before the sixth inning. A $30 ticket includes a seat for the game and a Rays Pride Hat. Pride Night with the Rays: Rays fans can show their pride when the Tampa Bay Rays face the Chicago White Sox.

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